Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Leonardo de Vinci 1452
He was a
painter (Mona lise, last supper)
He was a bastard child.
He was the "first modern Mind"
He wrote left handed, and backwards.
He studied the world.
He left behind 600 pages of notes
Including the parachute

Michelangelo's Sistine Chaple

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Florence, italy, 1450
Both in northern and southern Europe, classical proportions were applied to architect and paintings of the body.
Humanist philosophy, were there was more focus on the human rather then the divine.
Backgrounds were more used

The renaissance was views as a rebirth of Greek and roman ideals.
With the rise of the middle class, the arts found new sources of support.
Years 1300-1600 the call it renaissance with means "re-birth"
It started in Italy for three reasons
1. There were several important trade cities
2. Cities had bankers and merchant class
3. Artists were inspired by heritage of classical Rome.

Humanism-an interest in secular things rather then religious/spiritual art
Humanists focused on human potential and individuality
Patrons were ppl who supported artist.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Today we took the test, I got 100%    

Thursday, May 27, 2010

  1.  When did Luther nail the theses to the Church door? October 1517
  2. What was the Papal Bull? The document that said Luther was excommunicated.
  3. What did it mean when he was excommunicated? He would spend his afterlife in hell and go through hellish torture being an outcast.
  4.  What was purgatory? Between Heaven and hell.
  5. What was ascetic? Living a harsh, violent life with no luxuries

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Last day of watching the movie, tomorrow we make our own questions for our test that is on Friday. 

He lived the rest of his life with protection 
At the diet of Worms he convinced Charles of his view. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The pope excommunicated Luther
Leo X
Luther realized he had a new and powerful weapon on his side.
the printing press
His idea spread
Luther then had to get to the ppl with the power
Charles the 5 was A young 19 year old holy roman emperor
Frederic won Luther the chance to convince the people of his view a the diet in Worms
The farther north he went, the less support he got.
Luther started create his own sacraments
He first went to the sacraments
He said the remaining sacraments were the design of the church
This is where I start to disagree with Luther