Leonardo de Vinci 1452
He was a
painter (Mona lise, last supper)
He was a bastard child.
He was the "first modern Mind"
He wrote left handed, and backwards.
He studied the world.
He left behind 600 pages of notes
Including the parachute
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Florence, italy, 1450
Both in northern and southern Europe, classical proportions were applied to architect and paintings of the body.
Humanist philosophy, were there was more focus on the human rather then the divine.
Backgrounds were more used
The renaissance was views as a rebirth of Greek and roman ideals.
With the rise of the middle class, the arts found new sources of support.
Years 1300-1600 the call it renaissance with means "re-birth"
It started in Italy for three reasons
1. There were several important trade cities
2. Cities had bankers and merchant class
3. Artists were inspired by heritage of classical Rome.
Humanism-an interest in secular things rather then religious/spiritual art
Humanists focused on human potential and individuality
Patrons were ppl who supported artist.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
- When did Luther nail the theses to the Church door? October 1517
- What was the Papal Bull? The document that said Luther was excommunicated.
- What did it mean when he was excommunicated? He would spend his afterlife in hell and go through hellish torture being an outcast.
- What was purgatory? Between Heaven and hell.
- What was ascetic? Living a harsh, violent life with no luxuries
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The pope excommunicated Luther
Leo X
Luther realized he had a new and powerful weapon on his side.
the printing press
His idea spread
Luther then had to get to the ppl with the power
Charles the 5 was A young 19 year old holy roman emperor
Frederic won Luther the chance to convince the people of his view a the diet in Worms
The farther north he went, the less support he got.
Luther started create his own sacraments
He first went to the sacraments
He said the remaining sacraments were the design of the church
This is where I start to disagree with Luther
Friday, May 21, 2010
We kept watching the movie.
The pope Leo made an indulgence where u can get you sins forgiven for money
The church should have know right to "sell' for confession
In 1517
He wrote the 95 theses
It was a blistering attack on the church
Gutenberg invented printed press
Luther's 95 theses was printed
The church called Luther a heretic
Now there is a battle between the most powerful institution in the world and one monk
Luther never intended to go as far.
But the church was terrified
The 95 theses was popular
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Five Theses
- Money Management- they waste money to much.
- More Constant Wireless Internet- there have been times the internet has been off for a long time. the wireless is crucial to our learning experience.
- Central Air- in the summer it is very hot, and it is harder to pay attention when you are very uncomfortable.
- Attention to the Arts- this school is different then most others because it music department actually takes a big percentage of the students. the school should take advantage of that.
- Cafeteria Prices- the food should be less expensive.
Martin Luther , his Ninety-five theses, and the reformation.
Was born in Germany in 1483
It was a time of desolation and decease
There was one great constellation, the church.
He studied the Trivium - grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
Goes to university of Erfurt
After getting his degree, he enrolls in law school
He drops out immediately
He love Aristotle, he hated aristsotal.
he became a monk, because he said he would if he was saved.
Luther's home was not a happy home.
His parents abused him.
His parents were very critical, and had high expectations.
Which is why he had such high expectations.
It also made him want to rebel
1505 plague struck Erfurt
His friends were killed by it
He became monk to save himself.
His monastery is an extreme one.
he feels lk God expectations are unfillable
For five years, he labored without relief
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Martin Luther
Martin Luther , his Ninety-five theses, and the reformation.
Was born in Germany in 1483
He studied the Trivium - grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
Goes to university of Erfurt
After getting his degree, he enrolls in law school
He drops out immediately
He love Aristotle, he hated aristsotal.
he became a monk, because he said he would if he was saved.
Was born in Germany in 1483
He studied the Trivium - grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
Goes to university of Erfurt
After getting his degree, he enrolls in law school
He drops out immediately
He love Aristotle, he hated aristsotal.
he became a monk, because he said he would if he was saved.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Effects of the Crusades, Then and Now
• Byzantine Empire is weakened
• Pope's power declines
• Power of feudal nobles weakens
• Religious intolerance grows
• Italian cities expand trade
• Muslims increasingly distrust Christians
• Trade grows between Europe and the Middle East
• European technology improves as Crusaders learn from Muslims
• Far-reaching political, economic, and social impacts, lasting into the present day
• "High ideals were besmirched by cruelty and greed ... the Holy War was nothing more than a long act of intolerance in the name of God." - Sir Steven Runciman (1954)
• "It would be a sin for Muslims not to try to possess the weapons that would prevent the infidels from inflicting harm on Muslims." - Osama bin Laden (1998)
• An eye for an eye for an eye for an eye ends in making everybody blind." - Gandhi
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Crusades (almost) Entirely Supported
Throughout Holy Roman Empire
These "soldiers of the Church" took vows to take back the Holy Land
The Pope promised those who died in the endeavor would receive immediate remission for their sins
Roger Bacon warned 'em: "(Muslims) who survive, together with their children, are more and more embittered against the Christian faith."(...but few listened to him)
So, how did it go? Who won?
1st Crusade (1095-1099): Christians take Jerusalem; Muslims take it back in 1144
2nd Crusade (1147-1149): Muslims keep Jerusalem, but Christians take Lisbon, Portugal
3rd Crusade (1187-1192): Richard the Lionheart and Saladin work a deal: Muslims control Jerusalem, but Christians can worship there
4th Crusade (1202-1204): Crusaders get distracted and sack Constantinople, creating a huge rift between the eastern (Byzantine) Church and the western (Catholic) Church; then there's the Children's Crusade - a horrible idea, if it actually occurred
5th Crusade (1217-1221): Muslims beat Christians in Egypt
6th Crusade (1228-1229): Christians take Jerusalem, let Muslims have Dome of the Rock; Muslims take it back in 1244
7th Crusade (1248-1254): Muslims fight off Christians
8th Crusade (1270): no resolution
9th Crusade (1271-1272): any remaining Franks in the Middle East are either massacred or enslaved
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
It's the Age of Faith
The Holy Roman Empire is
the strongest kingdom in Europe
The Church has considerable
spiritual and political power
Over 500 massive Gothic cathedrals
(Cities of God) are built throughout
Europe between 1170 and 1270
In the late eleventh century, Jerusalem was controlled by the Muslims
It was Islam's 3rd holiest City (after Mecca & Medina)
It's the Holy City to Jews
and ... it's a Holy City to Christians
The "Holy War"
Pope Urban II put out the call for Christians to recapture Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim Turks
Thus began 200 years of religiously sanctioned military campaigns, from 1095 to 1291
crusade means "taking of the cross" (crux)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Many Germanic kingdoms until they got united under charlamain.
Overrun the western half roman empire
Causing disruption of trade, downfall of cities, population shifts to rural areas.
There was a decline of learning.
The age of faith
The holy roman empire is the strongest kingdom in Europe.
The church has considerable spiritual and political power.
Over 500 massive Gothic cathedrals are built.
In the late eleventh century. Jerusalem is controlled by the Muslims
It was Islam's 3rd holiest City
It is also the Christians holist city.
1093 AD.
Emperor wrote letter to pope urban II:
It said , come help drive our the muslems from jerusilim.
And you will be rewarded in heven.
The pope put out the call for Christians to recapture Jerusalem and the holy land from Muslim Turks.
Thus began 200 years of religiously sanctioned military campaign, from 1095 to 1291
The "soldiers of the church: took vows to take back holy land.
Pope said that if they died, they would go right to heaven.
9 crusades that cover 200 years
Christians lost.
Religious intolerance grows.
Overrun the western half roman empire
Causing disruption of trade, downfall of cities, population shifts to rural areas.
There was a decline of learning.
The age of faith
The holy roman empire is the strongest kingdom in Europe.
The church has considerable spiritual and political power.
Over 500 massive Gothic cathedrals are built.
In the late eleventh century. Jerusalem is controlled by the Muslims
It was Islam's 3rd holiest City
It is also the Christians holist city.
1093 AD.
Emperor wrote letter to pope urban II:
It said , come help drive our the muslems from jerusilim.
And you will be rewarded in heven.
The pope put out the call for Christians to recapture Jerusalem and the holy land from Muslim Turks.
Thus began 200 years of religiously sanctioned military campaign, from 1095 to 1291
The "soldiers of the church: took vows to take back holy land.
Pope said that if they died, they would go right to heaven.
9 crusades that cover 200 years
Christians lost.
Religious intolerance grows.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Germanic Kingdoms Unite Under Charlemagne
Many Germanic kingdoms that succeeded the roman empire were reunited under Charlemagne's empire.
Middle ages = medieval period
476-1453 AD
(from the end of roman empire to the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks)
Medieval Europe is fragmented.
A. Invasions trigger changes in western Europe
a. Invasions and constant warfare spark new trends
i. Disruption of trade
1) Europe's cities are no longer economic centers
2) Money is scarce
ii. Downfall of cities
1) Cities are no longer centers of administration
iii. Population shifts
1) Nobles retreat to the rural areas
2) Cities don’t have strong leadership.
b. Decline of learning
i. Germanic invaders are illiterate, but they communicate through oral tradition
ii. Only priest and church officials could read and write.
iii. Knowledge of Greek ( and literature, science, philosophy) is almost lost.
c. Loss of a common language
i. Dialects develop in different regions
ii. By the 800s, there were French, Spanish, Latin, ETC.
B. Germanic Kingdom emerge
a. The concept of government changes
i. Roman society: loyal to public gov't
ii. Germanic society: loyal to family
1) Germanic chief led warriors
2) During peace, he provided food, weapons, treasure, a place to live (the lord's hall)
3) During wartime warriors fought for the lord
b. The franks under Clovis
i. Another battlefield conversion
ii. Clovis and 3000 of his worriers are baptized by the bishop
iii. The church and Clovis begin to work together.
C. Germanic people adopt Christianity
a. 511 AD- Clovis unties Franks into one kingdom
b. 600 AD - church + Frankish rulers convert many
c. Fear of Muslims in southern Europe spur many to become Christian
d. Monasteries and convents
i. 520 AD - Benedict wrote the rules for monks and monasteries
1) Poverty, chastity, obedience, study
ii. His sister scholastic did the same for nuns in convents
iii. 731 Ad - the venerable Bede wrote a killer history of England
iv. Monks opened schools, maintained libraries, and copied books (bibles, Greek text)
e. Pope Gregory 1 expands papal power
i. Papacy = pope's office
ii. Secular power = worly power
iii. So…. Under Gregory the great….. PaPal Power (Power of the PoPe ) is Political Power,
Presented from the Pope's Palace
iv. The church used church money to:
1) Raise armies
2) Repair roads
3) Help the poor
Gregory the great began to act as a mayor of Rome, and as head of an earthly kingdom (Christendom)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Romulus and Remus project is due today.
Romulus and Remus were the two twin founders of the great civilization of Rome. They are the mythological babies that Rome was named after. The famous children are decedents from the Trojan Prince Aeneas. Rhea Silvia’s uncle a banded the children in the wilderness. They are found by a female wolf that cares for them. The brothers grew up, and became leaders. When they got enough followers; the decided to found a city. Romulus wants to build a city on the Palatine hill, and Remus wanted to build it on the Aventine Hill. They agree to fight for were they want the city to be built. Remus is later killed, and Romulus names the city Rome, after himself. He adds citizens to this new city by abduction women from other cities. Finally he disappears under mysterious circumstances. There is no proof for this story, though historians believe Rome was founded in 758 to 728 BC.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
He now was in charge of the eastern empire
Now he wanted the western empire.
Licinius was in control with the western Rome.
Licinius marries Constantine's sister.
So they are now brothers.
Now Constantine starts the Edict of Milan were Christians can practice there religion.
Finally, after years of persecution, Christians can freely worship their God.
Constantine had growing doubts about his alliance with Licinius
315 AD.
He finally becomes Christians.
He doesn't do the traditional sacrifice for the roman gods.
He starts building temples
The senate is not pleased
Licinius and Bocionus get a plan to kill Constantine
Constantine saw it coming and stopped it
Now they are in a holy war.
Between Constantine and Licinius
The fought and fought and no one we a the clear winner.
Then Constantine won
Friday, April 16, 2010
He now was in charge of the eastern empire
Now he wanted the western empire.
Licinius was in control with the western Rome.
Licinius marries Constantine's sister.
So they are now brothers.
Now Constantine's starts the Edict of Milan were Christians can practice there religion.
Finally, after years of persecution, Christians can freely worship their God.
Constantine had growing doubts about his alliance with Licinius
315 AD.
He finally becomes Christians.
He doesn't do the traditional sacrifice for the roman gods.
He starts building temples
The senate is not pleased
Licinius and Boccaccio get a plan to kill Constantine
Constantine saw it coming and stopped it
Now they are in a holy war.
Between Constantine and Licinius
The fought and fought and no one we a the clear winner.
Then Constantine won
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Rome was carved up into for empires.
312 AD
Maxentius and Constantine went to battle.
Constantine traveled with Christians
And a meteorite stuck
They thought God was speaking to them.
They thought he was chosen by God.
Constantine's army started to fight under the Christian symbol.
Milvian bridge was were his army had to cross. And were Maxentius will strike.
At first strike, Maxentius to retreat. But he had the bridge rigged to fall.
But during the retreat, Maxentius' own army fell off the bridge.
The own the battle.
312 AD
Maxentius and Constantine went to battle.
Constantine traveled with Christians
And a meteorite stuck
They thought God was speaking to them.
They thought he was chosen by God.
Constantine's army started to fight under the Christian symbol.
Milvian bridge was were his army had to cross. And were Maxentius will strike.
At first strike, Maxentius to retreat. But he had the bridge rigged to fall.
But during the retreat, Maxentius' own army fell off the bridge.
The own the battle.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Julius Caesar
Was born of political parents.
He has been working his way up through the government.
Alesia Gaul 52 Bc.
after 8 years of war, the war against Gaul was at its climax.
Caesar had 40,000 troops,
And his army was seeming to being defeated.
And Caesar came out to fight too
Mark Anthony was a general in Caesar's army
Caesar's victory at Alesia is still regarded at one of the most brilliant battles in history .
Caesar was not just a good solider, he was a good political person.
Caesar wanted to change the politics of Rome.
He wanted to change the fact that Rome was ran by Aristocrats.
He wanted to be the ruler.
Caesar came back into the city with his army, not disbanding it like he is supposed to.
They thought he just wanted money and power.
Gnaeus Pompey -was decorated general, and politician now.
Senate tries to get Pompey to opposes Caesar.
Caesar wanted to put himself into power with out an election.
Caesar was a little Egotistical .
He thought that the government needed reform, an new type of government.
So, Caesar came across his the territories with his army.
The first Triumvirate
- Is Caesar
- Pompey
- Cresses
He crosses the Rubicon. Which is now a saying today.
Caesar takes over Rome.
He gets the money from the treasury.
After Caesar started to get more power and money, Pompey decided to break up the Triumvirate . He disagreed with Caesar . Caesar is now in a fight with Pompey.
He decimate the 9th legion
Which means he killed one in every 10 people in front of the rest.
Caesar had one battle with Pompey with Dyracchium
Caesar decided to use the same tactic as he did in Alesia.
But Pompey wasn’t stupid, he was as smart as Caesar,
Caesar lost the battle.
He retreated to regroup
Anthony became Caesar's right hand man now.
He was running out of supplies, he decided to make Pompey beat him at Pharsalus
He won. Was became leader.
Tiberius Gracchus was a man who fought for the rights of the people in Rome. He lives his life staying true to his beliefs. His father was the Great Tiberius Gracchus; who was very respected and honored. Tiberius had a very large expectation for his political and military career. Tiberius also had a very high expectation from his mother. She wanted to be remembered as “The Mother of Tiberius Gracchus”. She wanted him to be in favor with all of his political people, and it seemed she didn’t care about his virtues, as long as he’s popular. Tiberius had a lot of pressure in his life.
The first real thing that brought Tiberius closer to his place in history was the battle of Carthage. Tiberius was the main man who fought I the battle; and when they won, he was rewarded, and respected. Later, in another battle with the people of Spain, The Roman army was about to be destroyed by them and the only way they would take a surrender was if Tiberius surrendered for them. Tiberius was hailed as a hero by the people of Rome, but not the Senate. The Senate was greedy for power, and thought that Rome should never surrender. Tiberius saves thousands of lives, but the senate wanted to ruin his repetition. So, Tiberius decided to run for tribune, were the people vote. He won, and the first thing he decided to do was pass a land reform for the people. The senate didn’t like that; they started to spread rumors that Tiberius wanted to be king. I think Tiberius was getting a little cocky. He started to think that he was the Roman people’s hero. If Tiberius did not get over zealous, they senate probably would not of started these rumors. But he did think that he was someone who should have power with the people.
The first real thing that brought Tiberius closer to his place in history was the battle of Carthage. Tiberius was the main man who fought I the battle; and when they won, he was rewarded, and respected. Later, in another battle with the people of Spain, The Roman army was about to be destroyed by them and the only way they would take a surrender was if Tiberius surrendered for them. Tiberius was hailed as a hero by the people of Rome, but not the Senate. The Senate was greedy for power, and thought that Rome should never surrender. Tiberius saves thousands of lives, but the senate wanted to ruin his repetition. So, Tiberius decided to run for tribune, were the people vote. He won, and the first thing he decided to do was pass a land reform for the people. The senate didn’t like that; they started to spread rumors that Tiberius wanted to be king. I think Tiberius was getting a little cocky. He started to think that he was the Roman people’s hero. If Tiberius did not get over zealous, they senate probably would not of started these rumors. But he did think that he was someone who should have power with the people.
Friday, March 26, 2010
End Of the Story
He got married to political strength
Then he won the election.
He proposed to have a radical land laws, to give it back
But one tribune vetoed it.
The guy vetoed the land law,
So Tiberius vetoed everything else.
The city was in chaos .
There was a stand still
He won the vote and land law became law.
The senators lied and made it seem like Tiberius wanted to be king.
They want to kill Tiberius after he loses tribune.
Rome was on the brink of civil war between Tiberius' supporters, and the people against him.
His second election was in 113 BC.
At the election they think he wants to be king, so they kill him.
It took 100 years to pull Rome together.
And it took an Emperor. Which they killed Tiberius to stop from happening.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The rich was just taking land from the poor,
Tiberius didn’t agree with that.
There were 1,000s of farmers who lost their land.
In Spain, Tiberius fought a tribe, his army lost.
And Tiberius brought peace negotiation
Tiberius came back home to a hero's welcome,
But the senate didn't like it.
And Tiberius lost his hole repetitions.
With the senate, but the people thought he was a hero
He decided to Run for tribune. Government of the people.
He already has support.
He got married to political strength
Then he won the election.
He proposed to have a radical land laws, to give it back
But one tribune vetoed it.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Rich people got more opportunities.
Rome had a Republic.
Tiberius Gracchus
Daddy died in 136 BC
He believed in ideals of Democratic government.
146 BC, Carthage. End of Punic Wars
Tiberius is a solder in army
Battle took 6 days.
They took Carthage and they destroyed it.
Scipio Was General who finished Carthage.
Six months later. He cam back to Rome, all the poor have came in.
There is a huge cap between the rich and the poor and it was getting bigger.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Test today!!!
We took the test today. I think i did good. The multiple choice questions were easy. but i don't know if i got all the information in it. We had twenty multiple choice questions, and then we had to choose three, out of six essays, i choose A, B, and F. I think the test was relatively easy, if you studied, and faith, i couldn't see any trick questions, i hope their wasn't any then. Next up. Rome......
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Today we just reviewed for our test tomorrow. Study,study study tonight.
Tomorrow's 100-point test will consist of 20 multiple choice questions, worth two points each, and three essay questions, worth 20 points each. You will need a pencil for the objective part of the test, and pen and paper for the essays. You will not need your computer in class tomorrow, so don't even bring it. This is not an open book or open note test.
The following are general subjects of potential essay questions for this Friday’s test.
I recommend you review these subjects, and draw up brief outlines for each.
This is the first step to writing excellent essays tomorrow!
(Outlining will also help you study for the objective portion of the test.)
- Describe the events of the Peloponnesian War
- Give details on the lives and philosophies of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
- Describe the most significant events of the Persian War
- Describe the elements of early Greek theater
- Describe the high points and the low points of the age of Pericles
- Describe the transition from faith in the Greek gods to belief in reason and logic
- Describe how the Greek concept of hubris brought about the downfall of Pericles
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Athens gave us democracy , politics, physics, chemistry, math, theater ,art, and concepts of thought.
Sparta get Persia to help them crush Athens.
The Athens people turn to their Goddess Athena
In 44 BC, Athens surrendered
Sparta won, they dismantled the fleet.
Athens needed someone to take the blame for there fleet
And they blamed Socrates
He was critical of Athens
So he was arrested, for undermining the religion and corrupting the youth.
he was put to trial.
Socrates shows no fear.
He actually acts stubborn
If he apologized he would have been acquitted
But he asked for free meal for the rest of his life for the work he had done
He was sentenced to death.
He was executed by drinking hemlock
He died, not for fame , not for honor, but for the belief of his principles; because he belive we should always examine the world around us.
For years , the Athenians idolized solders
But now there hero was someone Socrates.
Athens was never again a great imperial power.
But, because of Socrates , became a city of intellectual inquiry.
Athens is not a Empire of thought.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Ruled Athens, pro-democracy
Was leader of Athens at the height of there wealth, and artistic elegance.
His job was to build a city that was fit to rule an empire.
Called the Parthenon, a temple to Athena.
I billion dollars in today's terms was spent.
Pericles was directly involved in the building of it.
Took 15 years to build.
Was and still is the greats monument in Athens
there was a huge statue of Athena
There was frieze that showed the Athens people around the inside of the Parthenon .
Pericles wanted Athens to become the most educational city.
Aspasia was Pericles's companion.
She was a prostitute
Athens started the theater
And was most know for tragedies
Like the King who gauged his own eyes out because he married his mother.
theaters were built in every big city in Greece.
Pericles began to plan a new adventure.
He wanted to make Athens the know leader of the Mediterranean.
He wanted War with the only other Greek city-state that had the same power as Athens
Which was Sparta , the Athenians agreed to fight.
Hubris- cocky, egotistical, etc.
Pericles was hubris.
He wanted to just kill Sparta for power.
He had a plan
The Athenians got supplies by the navy.
And they hid behind the city walls.
Pericles thought they would win because they went all out with Navy.
Socrates live in Athens at this time, and he was starting a revolution of thinking.
The Greeks started thinking about reasons.
These Greeks started to use mathematics and science.
Socrates loved Athens, his life was spent questioning the assumptions of Athenian life.
One of the ship brought plague.
Everyone was close together, and the plague was spread fast, and killed 1/3 of the population.
Pericles died of plague.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Today I got to class late, i had to come to class with me wrinkles and five O'clock shadow on. My hair was combed to the side and was smothered in hair spray. I missed a lot of the movie we watched , but hear are the notes of what I got.
Athens had access to a quality of life that know Greeks had before.
The democracy became a great civilization.
Ostracized- banished from Athens
This is how they protected there government
Themistocles was ostracized.
Pericles was the new ruler
He wanted to make Athens famous.
He decided to create a new temple, the Parthenon , on the acropolis
He spent a billion dollars
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Today i missed class. The John Carroll Drama department is doing the show "Suessical the Musical". I am General Smitz in the play. Today, we had a preview for homeroom in the morning. And a Matinee for middle school kids during the day, well, today i missed class because of the matinee, and i didn't get to finish the movie Crucible of Greeks.I think i will miss class tomorrow too.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Crucible of Greece (My favorite Historical Story)
Cleisthenes was the Leader in Athens and was Exiled
508 BC.
Athens first step to become an empire
For the first time in history , civilizations revolted and gained power.
At this point they turned to the exiled Cleisthenes
Cleisthenes had to design a revolutionary governmental system
But how to give them a say in there future?
The agora is where people could come up and say there opinion.
And he established a vote , a white pebble for yes, a black pebble for no.
And this is what we now know as a democracy.
Unlike our democracy, the Athenian democracy there was no government, (direct democracy)
But, women couldn't vote, kids couldn't vote. Etc.
ArĂȘte = no cheating
After Cleisthenes, there was war!!!
490 BC
Phiddepides , the inspiration of today marathon, ran miles to tell of the Persian empire's attack, Darius,
Marathon was first hit, on Persian attack
As Athens faced Persian, will little success
Phiddepides ran to Sparta for help, while Athens was being destroyed
Phiddepides ran 140 miles in two days.
Help was refused by Sparta.
Athenians won battle, surprisingly
Athenians killed 6,000 Persians
, Themistocles was the general of Athens.
He know Persians were still a danger.
If Persians came again, he knew they would be better prepared
So Themistocles created the trireme, a ship which would ram another ship.
Athens found silver to pay for Trireme
Athens ended up with 200 triremes
Darius' son Xerxes wanted to revenge his father, and destroy Athens.
Xerxes army was2,000,000 men, and mad
480 Bc. He army came marching ,
Athens found out and were afraid.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Today, we spent the whole class time , discussing Socrates. Socrates is Mr. Schick's favorite person, apparently. The whole three mods we discussed him. We found an important quotation, " An unexamined life is not worth living," that Socrates said. We have three more philosophers to go over. Towards the end of the class, we started discussing a current issue that is an example of what kind of stuff Socrates thought about. We discussed how it is not the right thing, for rich people two not give any of their money to poor; but it also is not the right thing to just take their money, it's unconstitutional. We live in America, and if you want to be filthy rich, you have the freedom. If you want to not give any of your money to the poor, as bad and selfish as it is, you can, it's your American freedom.
If someone gives their money to someone in need, it is charity. It is a freedom that we have, the freedom of charity. If the government just takes your money, they take your freedom of charity. Forced charity is not charity, it is socialism.
That is my view, and I welcome yours. Comment!
If someone gives their money to someone in need, it is charity. It is a freedom that we have, the freedom of charity. If the government just takes your money, they take your freedom of charity. Forced charity is not charity, it is socialism.
That is my view, and I welcome yours. Comment!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Greek Philosophers
Philosophy is the rational look on how the world works and acts. the study of the principles of knowledge, being, or conduct.
The three famous Greek Philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates
Socarates was born in 469 BC and died in 399 BC. He was a "Classic Greek Philosopher". He was Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. He was ugly, but didn't think of himself as ugly. He was a soldier, and we think he became a general.he had a high opinion of women, more so the other people. He was executed for Harisy, and corruption. He wasn't afraid of death. he died of hemlocks, which was a cruel death. "an unexamined life is not worth living" was his most notable quote.
Timeline:400 BC - In Plato's hands in 400 BC, they became an inspired form of philosophic discourse, meant to challenge ...
399 BC
399 BC - In 399 BC, Socrates was with friends when he drank the hemlock and uttered his last words. In death, as in life, Socrates was surrounded by people who were totally devoted to him: who loved, respected, and admired him. His comrades wanted him to run away to safety ...
399 BC - The Tyrant Archelaus: In 399 BCE, the same year that Socrates died, a tyrant named Archelaus was killed by a boyfriend while on a hunting trip. The LIFE of Archelaus appeared to embody the ideal of unlimited power and unbridled pleasure. It would have been ...
399 BC - SOCRATES is one of the imperishable figures who have become symbolic. The real man, the citizen of Athens who was born about 469 and executed in 399 BC, shed most of his personality as he entered history and became for all eternity a 'representative man'. It ...
399 BC - SOCRATES lived through the rapid transitions and fiery activities of the fifth century. Born in 469, he died in 399 BCand thus his life really covers the whole period of Athenian greatness. He forms a link between the old Athens and the r.ew. At his birth, it ...
399 BC - THE FATE of Socrates is one of the principal themes in the history of the western mind. Whatever might be the paths of philosophical reflection from the year 399 BC.
399 BC - ip to the time of his execution, BC 399. Inoogli a disciple of Socrates, he wandered both in principle and practice very far from the \ttf\\mg and example of his great master. He »as luxurious in his mode of living; he in- iulged in sensual gratifications and the ...
May 399 BC - in the life of Socrates is the May 399 BC, and have suf-. date of his death. According fered death in May or June the to Demetrius Phalereus and same year.
387 BC
387 BC - Returning to Athens in 387 BC, at the age of forty, Plato founded his schoolthe Academy. The Academy became the centre of Athenian intellectual life, attracting the finest minds in Greece and the Mediterranean world. Courses were given in philosophy, science .
348 BC
348 BC - ciples that thronged to his lectures, he passed the greater part of his long life, — he died 348 BC, at the age of eighty-one years, — laboring incessantly upon the great works that bear his name. Plato imitated in his writings the method of Socrates in conversation.
Plato was born from 428/427 BC to 348/347 BC. beside being another classic Greek philosopher, he was also a mathematician. hes mentor was Socrates,and his student was Aristotle. Plato helped to lay the foundations of natural philosophy, science, and Western philosophy.
Timeline :
428 BC - Plato was born around the year 428 BCE in Athens. His father died while Plato was young, and his mother remarried to Pyrilampes, in whose house Plato would grow up. Plato's birth name was Aristocles, and he gained the nickname Platon, meaning broad, because of .
427 BC - Greek Philosopher Plato - History Plato is an influential ancient Greek philosopher who was born in the year 427 BC in Athens, Greece. He was the son of wealthy Athenian parents and he began his philosophical career as a student of Socrates. After his father's
400 BC - People have engaged in recycling throughout human history; Plato advocated for and encouraged people to recycle as far back as 400 BC. At times in history when resources were at low levels, there is evidence that recycling was used to help people get by.
399 BC - Plato The Last Days of Socrates by Plato contains the four works Euthyphro, The Apology, Crito, and Phaedro which describe the trial and condemnation of Socrates on charges of heresy and corrupting the youth of Athens in 399 BC. Plato was probably the most .
387 BC - Plato, or Aristocles as is his real name, was one of the most influential thinkers of history. Plato set up a school called the Academy in Athens in 387 BC. He wrote down his ideas in the form of dialogues, or discussions between people. The dialogues explain
384 BC - Born in 384 BC, Aristotle's intellectual curiosity and desire for learning was nurtured directly by Plato. The Greeks already had a long and glorious history, documented centuries earlier by Homer in the Iliad and Odyssey, works that remained a cornerstone of .
367 BC - In 367 BC Aristotle, at the age of seventeen, became a student at Plato's Academy in Athens. At the time that Aristotle joined the Academy it had been operating for twenty years. Plato was not in Athens, but rather he was on his first visit to Syracuse. We
360 BC - Plato summed up what happened to this civilization with this passage in Critics, written in 360 BCE. Ironically, this is the first mention of Atlantis in recorded history. "Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had
347 BC -
529 AD - Around 388 he founded his famous school, the Academy, which had a continuous history until it was shut down by order of the Christian emperor Justinian in 529 CE. Plato's dialogs and letters constitute an enormous legacy that was studied and restudied in antiquity
Aristotle was born in 384 BC and died in 322 BC. He was a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He covered physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology.
384 BC - History Of Horticulture - Aristotle 384-322 BC Aristotle 384322 BC. Aristotle was born in Macedonia in 384 BC, theson of a physician.
In 367 BC Aristotle, at the age of seventeen, became a student at Plato's Academy in Athens. At the time that Aristotle joined the Academy it had been operating for twenty years. Plato was not in Athens,
350 BC - Assyrian artwork has been found to suggest falconry, as a means to put food on the table, dates back almost 4000 years somewhere— between throwing a rock and weilding a spear Falconry was alluded to in Homer's "Odyssey," and specifically mentioned in Aristotle
300 BC - Greco-Roman world Among the earliest of botanical works in Europe, written around 300 BC, are two large treatises by Theophrastus: On the History of Plants (Historia Plantarum) and On the Causes of Plants
The three famous Greek Philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates

399 BC
399 BC - In 399 BC, Socrates was with friends when he drank the hemlock and uttered his last words. In death, as in life, Socrates was surrounded by people who were totally devoted to him: who loved, respected, and admired him. His comrades wanted him to run away to safety ...
399 BC - The Tyrant Archelaus: In 399 BCE, the same year that Socrates died, a tyrant named Archelaus was killed by a boyfriend while on a hunting trip. The LIFE of Archelaus appeared to embody the ideal of unlimited power and unbridled pleasure. It would have been ...
399 BC - SOCRATES is one of the imperishable figures who have become symbolic. The real man, the citizen of Athens who was born about 469 and executed in 399 BC, shed most of his personality as he entered history and became for all eternity a 'representative man'. It ...
399 BC - SOCRATES lived through the rapid transitions and fiery activities of the fifth century. Born in 469, he died in 399 BCand thus his life really covers the whole period of Athenian greatness. He forms a link between the old Athens and the r.ew. At his birth, it ...
399 BC - THE FATE of Socrates is one of the principal themes in the history of the western mind. Whatever might be the paths of philosophical reflection from the year 399 BC.
399 BC - ip to the time of his execution, BC 399. Inoogli a disciple of Socrates, he wandered both in principle and practice very far from the \ttf\\mg and example of his great master. He »as luxurious in his mode of living; he in- iulged in sensual gratifications and the ...
May 399 BC - in the life of Socrates is the May 399 BC, and have suf-. date of his death. According fered death in May or June the to Demetrius Phalereus and same year.
387 BC
387 BC - Returning to Athens in 387 BC, at the age of forty, Plato founded his schoolthe Academy. The Academy became the centre of Athenian intellectual life, attracting the finest minds in Greece and the Mediterranean world. Courses were given in philosophy, science .
348 BC
348 BC - ciples that thronged to his lectures, he passed the greater part of his long life, — he died 348 BC, at the age of eighty-one years, — laboring incessantly upon the great works that bear his name. Plato imitated in his writings the method of Socrates in conversation.
Plato was born from 428/427 BC to 348/347 BC. beside being another classic Greek philosopher, he was also a mathematician. hes mentor was Socrates,and his student was Aristotle. Plato helped to lay the foundations of natural philosophy, science, and Western philosophy.
Timeline :
428 BC - Plato was born around the year 428 BCE in Athens. His father died while Plato was young, and his mother remarried to Pyrilampes, in whose house Plato would grow up. Plato's birth name was Aristocles, and he gained the nickname Platon, meaning broad, because of .
427 BC - Greek Philosopher Plato - History Plato is an influential ancient Greek philosopher who was born in the year 427 BC in Athens, Greece. He was the son of wealthy Athenian parents and he began his philosophical career as a student of Socrates. After his father's
400 BC - People have engaged in recycling throughout human history; Plato advocated for and encouraged people to recycle as far back as 400 BC. At times in history when resources were at low levels, there is evidence that recycling was used to help people get by.
399 BC - Plato The Last Days of Socrates by Plato contains the four works Euthyphro, The Apology, Crito, and Phaedro which describe the trial and condemnation of Socrates on charges of heresy and corrupting the youth of Athens in 399 BC. Plato was probably the most .
387 BC - Plato, or Aristocles as is his real name, was one of the most influential thinkers of history. Plato set up a school called the Academy in Athens in 387 BC. He wrote down his ideas in the form of dialogues, or discussions between people. The dialogues explain
384 BC - Born in 384 BC, Aristotle's intellectual curiosity and desire for learning was nurtured directly by Plato. The Greeks already had a long and glorious history, documented centuries earlier by Homer in the Iliad and Odyssey, works that remained a cornerstone of .
367 BC - In 367 BC Aristotle, at the age of seventeen, became a student at Plato's Academy in Athens. At the time that Aristotle joined the Academy it had been operating for twenty years. Plato was not in Athens, but rather he was on his first visit to Syracuse. We
360 BC - Plato summed up what happened to this civilization with this passage in Critics, written in 360 BCE. Ironically, this is the first mention of Atlantis in recorded history. "Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had
347 BC -
529 AD - Around 388 he founded his famous school, the Academy, which had a continuous history until it was shut down by order of the Christian emperor Justinian in 529 CE. Plato's dialogs and letters constitute an enormous legacy that was studied and restudied in antiquity
Aristotle was born in 384 BC and died in 322 BC. He was a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He covered physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology.
384 BC - History Of Horticulture - Aristotle 384-322 BC Aristotle 384322 BC. Aristotle was born in Macedonia in 384 BC, theson of a physician.
In 367 BC Aristotle, at the age of seventeen, became a student at Plato's Academy in Athens. At the time that Aristotle joined the Academy it had been operating for twenty years. Plato was not in Athens,
350 BC - Assyrian artwork has been found to suggest falconry, as a means to put food on the table, dates back almost 4000 years somewhere— between throwing a rock and weilding a spear Falconry was alluded to in Homer's "Odyssey," and specifically mentioned in Aristotle
300 BC - Greco-Roman world Among the earliest of botanical works in Europe, written around 300 BC, are two large treatises by Theophrastus: On the History of Plants (Historia Plantarum) and On the Causes of Plants
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