Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Julius Caesar
Was born of political parents.
He has been working his way up through the government.
Alesia Gaul 52 Bc.
after 8 years of war, the war against Gaul was at its climax.
Caesar had 40,000 troops,
And his army was seeming to being defeated.
And Caesar came out to fight too
Mark Anthony was a general in Caesar's army
Caesar's victory at Alesia is still regarded at one of the most brilliant battles in history .
Caesar was not just a good solider, he was a good political person.
Caesar wanted to change the politics of Rome.
He wanted to change the fact that Rome was ran by Aristocrats.
He wanted to be the ruler.
Caesar came back into the city with his army, not disbanding it like he is supposed to.
They thought he just wanted money and power.
Gnaeus Pompey -was decorated general, and politician now.
Senate tries to get Pompey to opposes Caesar.
Caesar wanted to put himself into power with out an election.
Caesar was a little Egotistical .
He thought that the government needed reform, an new type of government.
So, Caesar came across his the territories with his army.
The first Triumvirate
- Is Caesar
- Pompey
- Cresses
He crosses the Rubicon. Which is now a saying today.
Caesar takes over Rome.
He gets the money from the treasury.
After Caesar started to get more power and money, Pompey decided to break up the Triumvirate . He disagreed with Caesar . Caesar is now in a fight with Pompey.
He decimate the 9th legion
Which means he killed one in every 10 people in front of the rest.
Caesar had one battle with Pompey with Dyracchium
Caesar decided to use the same tactic as he did in Alesia.
But Pompey wasn’t stupid, he was as smart as Caesar,
Caesar lost the battle.
He retreated to regroup
Anthony became Caesar's right hand man now.
He was running out of supplies, he decided to make Pompey beat him at Pharsalus
He won. Was became leader.

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